Pilot’s briefing
VAC and AD-Info
It is compulsory to always use the current charts and informations, which you can find in the VFR MANUAL Switzerland.
Approach routes of the aerodrome Birrfeld
Please respect our neighbours and actively participate in the coordination of a structured and safe circuit traffic as a pilot. We expect pilots to precisely follow the arrival and departure routes published in the Viscual Appraoch Chart (VAC), with exception of safety-relevant or operationally binding reasons (e.g. wheather, aircraft performance, …)
Zones marked in red-white are residential areas of communities and shall not be crossed. Be aware of the TMA’s and CTR of Zurich-Kloten airport, especially the CTR in the east and the the TMA1 north-east with a lower limit of 3000ft AMSL.
Departure routes of the airfield
In respect for our neighborhood and to coordinate the traffic, we expect all pilots to precisely follow the approach and departure routes which are published in the visual approach chart (VAC) – unless operational or safety reasons make it unpossible.
Red and white ruled areas (blinking areas in the animation) are residential areas of neighboring towns and must not be flown over. Please consider also the airspaces of zurich, especially the CTR in the east and the TMA1 with a lower limit of 3’000 FT to the north-east of Birrfeld.
How to operate the animation:
The animations are in continuous loop. They can be stoped with the pause button and restarted with the play-button. On the bottom left you find a button „Vollansicht anzeigen“, which increases the picture to full screen.
Animated departure routes
Route West RWY 08
In progress.
Route Nord RWY 08
In progress.
Route East RWY 08
In progress.
Route West RWY 26
In progress.
Route Nord RWY 26
In progress.
Route East RWY 26
In progress.
Aerodrome circuit of Birrfeld
The circuit of the aerodrome Birrfeld is very narrow and passes close to neighbouring villages. In respect for our neighborhood we kindly ask you to precisely follow the published circuit. Extending the circuit should be avoided if possible. Please see our sheet «Separation auf der Platzrunde».
The runway in use can be seen by the «T»-Sign. You can also ask for it on the radio. For safety reasons, opposite departures and landings are not allowed. A change of runway must be requested on the radio. We will change the «T»-Sign and inform the other pilots about the change of the runway in use.
In case of no or little wind, runway 26 will always be in use – there are better emergency landing options after a departure from runway 26 instead of departing direction east.
Ciruits are not allowed at the following times (all details in local time LT):
Mo – Fr: 12.00 – 13.00 and after 20.00
Sa: 12.00 – 13.00, 16.00 – 20.00 only airplanes with noise class D
So: no circuits for airplanes with noise class A, B & C; no ciruits for airplanes between 12.00 – 13.00 and after 20.00
How to operate the animation:
The animations are in continuous loop. They can be stoped with the pause button and restarted with the play-button. On the bottom left you find a button „Vollansicht anzeigen“, which increases the picture to full screen.
Aerodrome circuits (animated)
Circuit RWY 08
Circuit RWY 26
Radio transmissions (Voice)
At uncontrolled aerodromes, such as Birrfeld, approach and departure sectors are named after compass directions (e.g. Sector West, Sector North ecc.).
Letters are used only for exactly specified checkpoints at controlled airports (e.g. Airport of Bern: Whiskey, November, Echo, Sierra).
Useful Links
DABS (Daily Airspace Bulletin)
Occurrence Reporting
EASA Aviation Reporting (ECCAIRS2)
Only for school flights of FSB/SwissPSA and additional report is
filed by the instructor at Hazard/Occurrence Report SwissPSA.
Instruction (airplane rental)

Birrfeld is a challenging aerodrome. In good weather conditions, it can be very busy with up to 4 airplanes in the circuit which is a very narrow circuit. Birrfeld is not for sissies ?. Every pilot who intends to rent a airplane stationed in Birrfeld ist obliged to complete an introduction with a flight instructor of the Fliegerschule Birrfeld.
This should not be any harassment, but an interesting flight to better get to know Birrfeld. We show you the correct routes, evasive maneuvers, holdings, radio transmissions and much more. Pilots that maneuver correctly at and around Birrfeld create safety which helps everybody.
We kindly ask you to prepare yourself with the actual pages in the swiss AIP and to especially study the VAC. You also will find many useful information at out homepage. We ask you to complete the questionaire and to bring it with you at the instruction appointment. You will also benefit because of less instruction time.
Customs fees:
- Departing (from LSZF) abroad: free
- Arrival (in LSZF) from abroad: 20.00 Swiss Francs
Additional fees may incur in case of an inspection by customs authorities or the police
Customs declaration procedure:
- Fill in and post the customs declaration form in advance
- Activate the customs declaration by phone (0041 56 464 40 40) at least 1 hour before departure in LSZF or at least 2 hours before arrival in LSZF
- Upon arrival in LSZF:
Contact AIS Birrfeld by radio and wait for further instructions (Customs authority personnel might be on site for an inspection) - Before Departure in LSZF:
Contact AIS Birrfeld by radio and wait for further instructions (Customs authority personnel might be on site for an inspection)
The customs declaration will only be valid if this procedure is followed.
Deviations of the actual take off / landing times of more than 30 minutes must be reported to AIS Birrfeld.
Unannounced arrivals from abroad into LSZF without a customs declaration or missing / incorrect information must expect a fine.
Please be aware of the customs and police regulations stated on the customs declaration form.
We wish you a nice stay in Switzerland and always happy landings!